EngD Vacancies Prioritising Sustainable Energy Choice in Cities


Project Partner: European Investment Bank

Academic Supervisor: Francesca Medda (f.medda@ucl.ac.uk)

Sustainable development and climate action constitute core components of Europe 2020[1], which includes 20% targets for greenhouse gas reduction, renewable energy generation and energy efficiency savings. Current estimates suggest that urban regions are responsible for 75% of carbon emissions[2] and cities are rapidly becoming the focal point for the delivery of the required large-scale emission reductions. A key role in securing successful energy projects across a wide range of sectors is played by properly structured integrated energy action plans – thus, research on the processes involved, how such plans can best be formulated and implemented, and developing a suitable toolkit will support the European Investment Bank (EIB) in fostering sustainable urban development.

Aims The study aims to determine a practical approach to produce integrated action plans enabling cities to manage and invest more effectively their infrastructure to achieve long-term impacts in energy and climate action (e.g. insulated and efficient buildings, efficient public lighting, sustainable transport, electricity generation/network, municipal water and wastewater infrastructure, solid waste management, district heating and cooling, etc.).

Several tools exist to assist cities in producing integrated city energy action plans of this type.[3]  We will critically review the existing tools and define and consolidate a new methodology to achieve overall long-term energy sustainable plans. Crucially for the EIB, the proposed methodology will address how such investment strategies can be structured, including how associated risks can be characterised, in order to attract funding from long-term investors. The data for the research will be provided by the EIB.

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A properly structured “toolbox” will be the outcome of the research in order to assist cities in producing implementable integrated energy action plans for achieving sustainable energy impacts and to minimise associated financial risks. The toolbox will examine various types of technologies best suited for urban environments, required standards and associated urban patterns, e.g. demographic profiles, natural resource constraints, and impacts of technical progress and sectorial policies. Based on the selected technologies, we will identify energy-related strategies that will be linked to city development scenarios and risk priorities.

Student Background The candidate should ideally have a first in her/his undergraduate degree and  a master’s degree. It is highly desirable if the candidate has a combination between undergraduate and Master degree of the following disciplines: Econometrics, Economics, and Finance, Engineering Science, Operational Research, Mathematics, Applied Physics, and Statistics. 

Application Procedure: Closing Date: 31st October 2013. 

Please upload a covering letter and CV (as one document) to http://engd-usar.cege.ucl.ac.uk/vacancies/#43  indicating how you meet the criteria and demonstrating your passion for the research area.

Fees: Fully paid

Stipend: £15,726 pa (tax-free)

Applicants must meet the EPSRC eligibility criteria http://www.epsrc.ac.uk/skills/students/help/Pages/eligibility.aspx

 Start Date: 13th January 2014 for 4-years full time (no part time option available).

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