Doctoral Studentships

LUMS is a triple-accredited, world-ranked management school, consistently among the UK’s top five.  Research is at the heart of life at Lancaster.  Three quarters of the Management School’s research activity is world leading or internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour, and virtually all its research (95%) is of international standing.  Our commitment to high-quality research is further demonstrated by the fact that we have over 150 full-time PhD students – drawn from countries all over the world.

LUMS is a lively research environment in which doctoral students play a full and active part. We welcome enquiries and applications from well-qualified graduates throughout the world who wish to join this thriving research community. Subject to capacity, supervision is available in all areas of management research, including: Accounting and Finance, Economics and International Business, Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development, Management Learning and Leadership, Management Science, Marketing, Strategy and Organisation, Work and Technology.  We are committed to providing PhD students with a sound foundation in research methodology, and this is reflected in the research training programmes we offer, some of which are compulsory in the first year of study.

We are offering full-time studentships to commence in October 2014 across all disciplines. Home/EU and international applicants are eligible to apply. All studentships pay a generous living allowance and offer a fee waiver.  Successful applicants will be expected to undertake some teaching duties as part of the studentship responsibilities.

Also Read  PhD Studentship – Interacting UK Hazards – Impacts and Origins

Further details about all these awards can be found at

We are looking for highly motivated candidates who have an excellent first degree and consistently excellent/distinction level Master’s degree performance in a related discipline to pursue PhD studies in any area of research expertise within the School.  Students who will complete a Master’s degree by September 2014 may also apply.

Contact Stacey Read on +44 (0)1524 510667 or email

To apply for this post, please click on the Apply button below.

Closing date for applications: Monday 24 March 2014

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