M.Res Studentship in Immunology

Qualification, Duration, Mode: MSc (Masters by Research), 12 Months duration, Full-Time

Project Start Date 1st July 2016

Funding: Fees-only studentship (fees / all laboratory & reagent costs are paid by the School of Life, Sport and Social Sciences) over 12 months.

PROJECT 2 – Reference PG2PB

Area of Research

Immunology, Infection, Chlamydia, Host Defence Peptides

Project Description

This studentship would be based in the laboratory of Dr Peter Barlow, Reader in Immunology and Infection within SLSSS, with additional supervision by Dr Craig Stevens, and Dr Nick Wheelhouse.

The project would involve examining the activity of Cationic Host Defence Peptides (CHDP) against pathogenic Chlamydia species, specifically the respiratory pathogen Chlamydia pneumonia, in a number of in vitro models. CHDP are key components of the innate immune system with broad spectrum antibacterial and antiviral activity and thus, represent an exciting opportunity for the development of novel antimicrobial treatments. We are pursuing a programme of work (currently funded by the CSO, previously by Tenovus Scotland) that aims to investigate how we can use CHDP to treat respiratory viral infections.

This clinically relevant project has the potential to inform the development of new therapeutics for treating infections, and to impact upon the growing problem of antibiotic resistance in bacterial infections.

The student would be expected to have a background in immunology, infectious diseases, biomedical science, microbiology or another relevant discipline. Techniques to be utilised in this project would include RT-PCR, flow cytometry, Western immunoblotting, live-cell confocal microscopy, immunohistochemistry and cell culture.

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Contact Dr Peter Barlow (p.barlow@napier.ac.uk) for more information

The closing date for applications for this studentship is Monday 16th May 2016.

Read More and Apply..

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