Optimist Club Essay Contest Winners – 711721

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      Optimist Club Essay Contest Winners

      Essay Contest Winner Optimist Club Fort Worth , Tori Gonzales, writes a personal story of overcoming obstacles and working hard to better herself in the midst of tragedy in her life. Local Optimist Club to Sponsor Essay Contest for Students will judge the local students 39; essays, based on the theme of Can Society. Function Without Respect? and determine the top winners. Winners will receive AWARDS and the winning essays will be sent to the district level where college scholarships are available for top winners. Young students today nbsp; Optimist International Essay Contest Club Planning Guide to the next Club meeting to read their essay. Re-attach the cover page of the winning essay and send it to the District Chair with the following items: Completed District Essay Contest Entry Form (pg12). Copy of Birth Certificate or Passport (will be required for District Winner to be awarded scholarship). Essay Contest – South Texas District members. Finally, the Club chairperson delivers the Club 39;s winning essay to the District Chairperson. Cost. A 10. 00 fee to South Texas District is required. Each Club may award medallions to their winners. These are optional and cost about 20. 00. Other awards are nbsp; Optimist International Essay Contest 2017-18 – Optimist Club of is sponsored by Optimist International to give young people the opportunity to write about their own opinions regarding the world in which they live Clubs and Districts The District deadline to submit winners to Optimist International is May 15, 2018. Optimist International does not set Club/Zone/Regional nbsp; 2015 Essay Contest Winners Breakfast Optimist Club of Kalamazoo Kalamazoo, MI The Breakfast Optimist Club of Kalamazoo 39;s (BOCK) recently honored three Portage Central High School students for their participation in an Essay Contest based on the theme of Optimism Should be a Priority. The winners received their awards at a breakfast on March 19<sup>th</sup> where they nbsp; Essay Contest Winners Breakfast Optimist Club of Kalamazoo We are pleased to announce the winners of the How Dreams Lead to Success essay contest. First Place Daniel Saba, Second Place Emma Jean VandenBrink, and Third Place Maddy Kindler. They each were awarded with a medallion and monetary scholarship. We judged 34 essays from students nbsp; Application for 2017-2018 Optimist International Essay Contest Number. Please send application to address below: Official Topic: Can Society Function Without Respect? Essay Contest Rules from Optimist International. District winners must provide a copy of birth certificate or passport with the. District entry documentation. . Section III – Contest Rules. 1. Optimist International – Pacific Southwest District :: Essay Contest . The topic for the 2017-18 Optimist Essay Contest is: Can Society Function Without Respect? The Optimist International Essay Contest was first sponsored in 1983. Club winners advance to the District contest. Essays must contain at least 700 words but no more than 800 words. The contest is open to nbsp; Essay Contest – SWONT OptimistsClub amp; District Level Program. Picture. 2017-2018 SWONT Essay Chair Maria Cupples SWONT District 1st Place winner receives a 2, 500 scholarship 2018 Essay Topic quot;Can Society Function Without Respect? quot; District Essay Deadline: TBD Click here for this year 39;s OI Essay topic, deadline, rules nbsp;

      Essay Contest Optimist International Wisconsin North-Upper

      who will be recognized at the third quarter conference in Oshkosh on May 6, 2017. Third Place Kade Byrand Sheboygan Optimist ClubSecond Place Benjamin Ontl Wisconsin Rapids Club. First Place winning the 2, 500 College Scholarship Essay Contest – 2017-2018 School Year St. Paul Optimists advance to District, where District winners receive a 2, 500 scholarship. Entry due to the Club by February 15 , 2018. Download, complete and return the application www. optimist. org/Forms/17-18_Essay_Application_Fillable. pdf. Club Contest Questions? CONTACT: Zach Adedayo, Chairperson at nbsp; Essay Contest Clarkston Optimists – Clarkston Optimist Club Awards middot; Service for the Community middot; What are Optimists middot; Officers middot; Creed middot; Meetings middot; History middot; Projects amp; Events middot; Essay Contest middot; Oratorical middot; Outstanding Student Recognition middot; Scholarship middot; Join now middot; Friend of Optimist middot; Membership middot; Junior Optimists. Essay ContestOptimist Club of Oakville is announced here in late August/early September. The deadline for essay entries is January 31, 2018. Please see the contest rules and application form links below for more information. The Optimist Club of Oakville contest will award cash prizes of: Essay Winners. 500. 00 for the nbsp; Club Programs – Optimist Club of Oakville of Oakville has many annual programs we run for youth in our community. Essay Contest; Oratorical Contest; Youth Appreciation; Respect for Law; Junior Optimist Club (JOI) This competition begins at the Club Level and winners can compete at the Zone, District, Region and ultimately International. Essay Contest – Oswegoland Optimist Club Monetary awards will be given for first place ( 150), second place ( 125), and third place ( 100), along with a medallion for each winner. Winning essays from our district will be entered to compete for subsequent awards/recognition with Optimist International. This contest is open to all area students! Essay CompetitionOptimist Club of Hamilton . The deadline for essay entries is January 31, 2018. Please see the contest rules and application form links below for more information. If we have a contetst, the Optimist Club of Hamilton contest will award cash prizes of: 500. 00 for the first place winner nbsp; Essay Contest :: Timonium Optimist Club for 2016 2017. Topic: Chasing Optimism in the Face of Challenges Club recognition: Three finalists were honored at the Timonium Optimist dinner on Mar. 6, 2017. These winners read their essays for the assembly, and awards were announced. Essay Contest Harper Creek Optimist Club of our club 39;s Optimist International Essay Contest this year. She presented to our club along with her family and read the winning essay to our club during our general meeting on March 3<sup>rd</sup>. The topic the entrants had to write on this year was nbsp; Essay ContestOptimist International – NC East District plaque, recognition in The Optimist magazine. Key Dates. Clubs entries must be delivered or mailed to the District chair and be postmarked no later than February 28, 2017. Entries must include all of the following four documents: 1. District Essay Contest Entry Form (see Club Chair nbsp; Essay Contest Optimist Club of Menomonee Falls -level contest judged February 1st. Student submissions will not be accepted after the Club-level contests have closed. Essays will be judged by a local panel and a winner will be announced by February 20, 2018. Winning essay will then be submitted to the District-level competition for a chance to win a 2, 500 nbsp;

      Royal Oak Optimist Club

      . 2017 Royal Oak Optimist Club Oratorical nbsp; Essay ContestOptimist Club of Huntsville The winning essay at the Club level will advance to the District contest to compete for a 2500 college scholarship. Local winners will be announced before the end of February, 2018. The Club level competition is funded by the Huntsville Optimist Foundation, except for the young entrant award, which is nbsp; Educational Contests Downtown Optimist Club (top 3) receive medallions and prizes. Top local winner advances to District. District winner receives a 2500 college (or trade school) scholarship. Sponsor: Columbia Optimist Clubs. How: Get contest application and rules within the link below. Mail to: Downtown Optimist Club. 2018 Essay nbsp; District Essay Contest – Central Ontario District OptimistsOptimist which begins at the individual Club Level, with their own contests. From there, each club is elegible to submit their winning essay to be judged at the District Level. Winners of the Central Ontario Distict Essay Competition receive scholarships, and the winner attends the Third Quarter nbsp; Essay Contest Malibu Optimist Club . Harley Rader Kristina Schmidt Chase Kapler. We conduct an essay contest for high school students under the age of eighteen. The contest is designed to develop writing and critical thinking skills. Participants are asked to write an essay (700-500 words) on a pre-selected topic. Optimist Club to sponsor essay contest for students – Times Bulletin The Essay Contest entry deadline is Feb. 15, 2018. The Optimist Club will judge the local students 39; essays, and determine the top winners. Local winners will receive medallions along with cash awards for first place ( 300) and second place ( 150). In addition to developing skills for written expression and nbsp; Vandalia-Butler Optimist Club sponsoring annual Essay Contest The Vandalia-Butler Optimist Club is encouraging area students to contemplate the question Can society function without respect? as part of the Optimist International Essay Contest for 2018. The Optimist Club will judge the local students 39; essays, based on that question and determine the top winners. Essay – Hilliard Optimist Club Youth Sports International will have the right to edit, publish or otherwise duplicate any essay entered into the contest without payment to the author. The guidelines require that contestants be under the age of 18 as of October 1, 2016 and attending a Hilliard school. Club winners advance to the District contest to compete for a nbsp; Twin Falls Optimist Club . The Optimist Club of Twin Falls would like to invite all the students in the TFSD secondary schools to participate in our annual essay contest. The topic for this year is: Can Society Function Without Respect? . Three cash prizes ( 150, 125 amp; 100) will be awarded and the winner will go on to nbsp;


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