Deadline: 2017-02-15
Value of Scholarship: $20,000
Level Of Study: Bachelor Degree

USA:Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship

Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship


This scholarship is provided by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) National Society. The award amount can be up to $20000. Applicants should be graduate students. Applicants should have a minimum GPA of 3.25. Please see below for more restrictions in greater detail.

To qualify for this scholarship, please take note of the following: Preference will be given to females, if applicants are equally qualified.
You must be a student in any of the following disciplines
Psychiatric Nursing

Follow the link below to apply for

Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship

Apply Now

Also Read  USA:Raytown Class of 1956 Scholarship Fund

Scholarships expiring soon Forums USA:Irene and Daisy MacGregor Memorial Scholarship

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