Research Area Forest Pathology / Plant Pathology / Mycology
PhD in a relevant discipline and with a min. of 3 years and no more than 5 years’ relevant experience.
Post Duration
The indicative duration of 17 months, but not exceeding the above project end date, subject to contract.
Teagasc Forestry Development Department, Ashtown, Dublin 15 and DAFM Backweston Laboratory Complex, Celbridge, Co. Kildare.
Training Rate
Appointment will be at the minimum point of the Post Doctoral
Level 2 (PD2) scale (€38,155).
The current PD2 scale is as follows:
PD2: €38,155 (min.); €39,279; €40,437 (max.)
Increments will be awarded annually* subject to performance and completion of the prescribed training plan.
Note: Exceptional circumstances may apply for candidates with current or previous service in the public sector. *Remuneration and the annual cycle for the payment of increments may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government policy.
Basic Function of the post:
A senior post-doctoral researcher, with expertise in plant or forest pathology/mycology, is required to take a lead role in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM-funded project entitled ‘Horizon scanning, epidemiological modelling and investigation in state of the art Pest Risk Analysis for pest and pathogen threats to Ireland’s Sitka spruce forests’). The work will be done in collaboration with a post-doctoral researcher in entomology as well as forestry staff at Teagasc and UCD, climate change staff at Maynooth University and Plant Health Laboratory (PHL) staff at DAFM’s Backweston Laboratory Campus. Key tasks will include: A literature review to ‘horizon scan’ for possible pathogen threats to Ireland’s Sitka spruce plantations, developing and improving Pest Risk Analysis (PRA) to include climate change modelling and trait analysis of pathogens and to complete two full PRAs for the two most threatening pathogens and the most threatening pathways by which they enter Ireland.
Sitka spruce is the most important forest tree species planted in Ireland as it makes up over 50% of the forest estate. Much of the Irish spruce forest is relatively homogenous regarding age and provenance (Queen Charlotte Islands/Washington). Protecting Ireland’s most widely planted tree
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