Research Fellow (78373-086)

Fixed Term Contract until 30 September 2018.

You will undertake research to assist the principal investigators, Dr. Vishwesh Kulkarni and Dr. Vardis Ntoukakis, in a new synthetic biology project to engineer or re-design orthogonal signaling pathways in plants. You will carry out and help implement computational and experimental research on how modelling techniques and computational algorithms can be used to robustly regulate the outputs of synthetic signalling cascades in plants. You will take initiative in working with an interdisciplinary team of mathematical programmers, chemists, computational, and molecular biologists. You will be expected to write up your research for publication. You will become a member of the “Plant Synthetic Biology Group” of the one year old “Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology”, set up at the University of Warwick courtesy BBSRC and EPSRC and will be expected to deal with any management/administration problems that may arise from the project. You will produce and present regular project reports ensuring that the project objectives and deadlines are met.

You will have a developing research profile with the ability to publish high quality research output and will be able to contribute to the development of funding proposals. Ideally, you will have expertise in mathematical programming (MATLAB, Mathematica, R), computational biology platforms (for example, GRENITS, Genie3, GeneSpring), and a working understanding of biochemistry and/or microbiology. You are required to possess excellent IT skills including demonstrable ability to use IT to write technical research papers and presentations. You are also required to be an excellent communicator with strong communication and interpersonal skills.

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If you have not yet been awarded your PhD but are near submission or have recently submitted your PhD, any offers of employment will be made as Research Assistant on level 5 of the University grade structure (£28,143). Upon successful award of your PhD and evidence of this fact, you will be promoted to Research Fellow on the first point of the level 6 of the University grade structure (£28,982).

The University aims to promote work life balance for all employees and the School of Engineering will consider a range of possible flexible working arrangements in order

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums Research Fellow (78373-086)

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