PhD Studentship in Applied Statistics

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship to begin in 2013. The studentship will cover tuition fees for UK/EU students and a maintenance grant comparable with UK Research Council studentships. International Students from outside the EU may also apply, but will be liable for the difference between UK/EU and International (OS) tuition fees (UK/EU: £3,900, OS: £16,990 – 2013/14 rate, subject to annual increase).

The successful applicant would be based in the Academic Unit Psychology and co-supervised by Professor Alarcos Cieza (Academic Unit Psychology) and Dankmar Böhning (Statistical Sciences Research Institute & School of Mathematics).

The goal of the research to be carried out in the scope of this studentship is to apply statistical models that make it possible to account for the complexity and intrinsic dynamics of psychosocial difficulties of persons with brain disorders and their changes over time in a person’s life.

Candidates should have:

  • a Master’s degree or equivalent in statistics with at least a 2.1 in their first degree;
  • advanced English language skills (written and oral);
  • interest in further developing statistical models that are applied to the field of brain disorders;
  • previous research experience;
  • high level of motivation; and
  • excellent interpersonal and organisational skills.

The deadline for applications is 5 pm on the 21st September 2013. 

If you have specific questions or would like to request more information about the above research, please contact Prof. Alarcos Cieza at       

Prospective candidates are required to apply for this studentship using the University of Southampton on-line application system.  Please apply for the MPhil/PhD in Psychology.  A copy of the on-line application form and guidance notes can be found via the ‘Apply’ button below.

Please indicate in the funding section of the application form that you wish to be considered specifically for this studentship (please make reference to Professor Alarcos Cieza), and e-mail Claire Caffrey ( to indicate you have applied.

For any enquiries about the application process, please contact Professor Alarcos Cieza (e-mail: or the Graduate School Administrative Officer, Claire Caffrey (e-mail:; Tel 02380 593747).

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