PhD Studentship: Advanced non-volatile memories based on resistive switching

Ref: EngSci-MATS-105

Deadline: Applications will be accepted at any time until the position is filled.

Resistance non-volatile memory, also known as programmable metallization cell (PMC) and/or redox memory, promises great potential to replace conventional flash memories and random access memories (RAM) in the near future. Resistance memories (RMs) usually have simple metal-solid electrolyte-metal stack structures and on/off states are distinguished by stable low/high resistance electrically achieved between the metal electrodes. Key advantages of RMs include low power and fast speed operation, high scalability and CMOS compatibility, which have been proven to be the most promising candidate for future universal memory. Despite a recent surge of research in this rapid developing field, clear winners for RMs are yet to be found. Main challenges lie in the development of advanced solid electrolytes and optimization of device structures.

This project aims at development of such resistance memories with innovative solid electrolyte materials and device designs. This interdisciplinary project will involve thin film electronic material development as well as device design, fabrication and testing. The results also underline the studies of relevant resistive switching mechanisms. The PhD student will be able to exploit the extensive material and device expertise as well as the state-of-the-art cleanroom facilities (Southampton Nanofabrication Centre) at the University of Southampton. Applicants with backgrounds/experience in electronic materials, general electrical engineering, semiconductive devices and micro/nano-fabrications will be particularly encouraged.

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If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Dr. Liudi Jiang, Engineering Materials Research group, Email:, Tel: +44 (0) 2380 59 8748.

To apply, please use the apply button below

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