NSW Environmental Trust PhD Scholarship

Location University of Western Sydney, Graduate Research School
App. deadline 15/04/2016
  • Scholarship available
Project ID 001
Eligibility Open to international applicants

Development of person-portable analytical methods for the rapid on-siteidentification of hazardous organics at fire scenes

Forensic Scienceresearch in the School of Science and Health is strongly focussed towardsthe development of field-based methods for the preliminary testing ofsamples at crime scenes and environmental incidents. The aim is to bridgethe gap between the scene and laboratory analysis.

We seek a talentedand dedicated PhD candidate to undertake research into the development ofperson-portable Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) methods forthe rapid on-site identification of hazardous organics at fire scenes. ThisPhD scholarship is partly funded by a three-year NSW Environmental Trustgrant and partly by Western Sydney University.

Factory and similarfires are an ongoing issue for the protection of water-dependent ecosystemsand human health. It is critical that highly-discriminating and rapidon-site monitoring tools are available for the detection and identificationof toxics at low levels, to allow for quick, reliable advice tostakeholders, and to ensure fire scenes are assessed and managedappropriately. Such tools are not currently available. The projectaddresses this by evaluating an advanced person-portable analytical methodthat can identify low-level toxic compounds in water and air samples inminutes.

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The project is in collaboration with the NSW EnvironmentProtection Authority (EPA), NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH)and Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW). The PhD is based at the Western SydneyUniversity Hawkesbury campus with frequent day travel to locations in andaround the larger Sydney metropolitan area.

The objectives of theresearch are to:

•Define and evaluate field-based,highly-discriminating sampling and analysis protocols that can be used bythe OEH, EPA and FRNSW to rapidly and efficiently investigate and managefire scenes;

•Improve our understanding of the release ofhazardous compounds

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums NSW Environmental Trust PhD Scholarship

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    • #7401

      University of Western Sydney, Graduate Research School

      Development of person-portable analytical methods for the rapid on-site identification of hazardous organics at fire scenes

      Forensic Science research in the School of Science and Health is strongly focussed towards the development of field-based methods for the preliminary testing of samples at crime scenes and environmental incidents. The aim is to bridge the gap between the scene and laboratory analysis.

      We seek a talented and dedicated PhD candidate to undertake research into the development of person-portable Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) methods for the rapid on-site identification of hazardous organics at fire scenes. This PhD scholarship is partly funded by a three-year NSW Environmental Trust grant and partly by Western Sydney University.

      Factory and similar fires are an ongoing issue for the protection of water-dependent ecosystems and human health. It is critical that highly-discriminating and rapid on-site monitoring tools are available for the detection and identification of toxics at low levels, to allow for quick, reliable advice to stakeholders, and to ensure fire scenes are assessed and managed appropriately. Such tools are not currently available. The project addresses this by evaluating an advanced person-portable analytical method that can identify low-level toxic compounds in water and air samples in minutes.

      The project is in collaboration with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) and Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW). The PhD is based at the Western Sydney University Hawkesbury campus with frequent day travel to locations in and around the larger Sydney metropolitan area.

      The objectives of the research are to:

      •Define and evaluate field-based, highly-discriminating sampling and analysis protocols that can be used by the OEH, EPA and FRNSW to rapidly and efficiently investigate and manage fire scenes;
      •Improve our understanding of the release of hazardous compounds at fire scenes to aid in risk assessment and management of fire scenes with regard to water-dependent ecosystems and human health;•Provide protocols that permit more efficient triaging of samples to reduce the number of samples that need to be submitted for full laboratory analysis, providing reduced analysis costs and faster turnaround times.

      Essential Criteria
      Applicants should have:
      •an Australian Bachelor Honours degree (H2A or H1) in Forensic Science, Environmental or Analytical Chemistry or equivalent qualifications and/or research experience (including research publications).
      •demonstrated excellent academic performance
      •experience with and a thorough understanding of GC-MS.
      •knowledge of and experience with portable GC-MS is highly desirable.
      •experience working with industry and/or government agencies.
      •excellent oral and written communication skills, including interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively in a team.
      •the ability to translate research results into published research outcomes.
      •excellent time management skills to reach research deadlines.
      •the ability to work under minimum supervision
      •a current driver’s licence.

      What does the scholarship provide?
      •Tax free stipend of $26,288 per annum
      •Funded place in the degree. International candidates may be awarded a tuition fee waiver

      How to apply
      Please contact Dr Val Spikmans to discuss your eligibility and the project: v.spikmans@westernsydney.edu.au 

      Submit the following documents before the closing date:

      * Application Form

      * Statement addressing the above criteria

      * Certified copies of relevant documents (eg transcripts)

      The application form can be downloaded from the web:


      Applications close 15 April 2016

      View this listing on the PhDSeek.com website at http://www.phdseek.com/phds/1347

      [See the full post at: NSW Environmental Trust PhD Scholarship]

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