NIHR Masters in Clinical Research

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

If you are a clinician with an enquiring mind and a thirst for research, then our Masters in Clinical Research will give you the tools and skills to realise your own personal and professional goals. The NIHR funded Masters in Clinical Research teaches students how to link theory and method with the practical skills to design and carry out in-depth healthcare research, culminating in an opportunity to carry out a piece of individual research linked to UEA’s top academics. You will also be able to develop leadership qualities to help you deliver the best and most effective service, in whatever field of health care you operate. This course may be taken on a full or part time basis and is an ideal precursor to application for an NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship. We are offering for 2013 a part time route starting in April and a full time route in September.

Dates for the first teaching blocks for part time students starting in April are:

8th – 17th April 2013 Introduction to Research Methods

24th June – 5th July 2013 Further Quantitative Research

9th – 20th September 2013 Further Qualitative Research

Full time students will start in September 2013.

These studentships will be supported through full payment of the course fees plus costs being reimbursed to their employer for their salary, national Insurance contributions and superannuation costs. For more information, including the application form, please go to

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