Nephrology Scholarship: in Pediatric Nephrology

Frank Boss Memorial Award in Pediatric Nephrology

The Nephrology Scholarship is named after the donor  Frank Boss. This scholarship is for medical students only and is tenable at the University of Alberta Canada

Scholarship Value


Eligibility Conditions

This scholarship will be e awarded annually to a student with satisfactory academic standing who has completed research in nephrology or a related field in renal transplantation, dialysis etc. Recipient will be selected on the basis of the research project completed.

Field of Study

Nephrology or related renal research.


By nomination from the director of pediatric nephrology or nephrology and the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

Submit a one page letter outlining research accomplishments relevant to nephrology, accompanied by supporting letters from at least two faculty members.

Contact Information

​Edmonton Clinic Health Academy
11405-87 Avenue

Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T6G 1C9

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