As a student, you may be wondering about life after graduation, you wonder what lies for you in the future but one thing for sure is that life is not a bed of roses but you can make life fairer for you if you have the following things at the back of your mind about life after graduation;
Everyone is on their own-Gone are the days when:
– depend on your parents for almost everything,
-you and your friends hangout most often because you guys have similar curriculum
requirements or have class during the same period.
You and you alone would take decisions both big and small.
Your parents/guardian expects of you to fend for yourself or contribute in putting money in the mailbox.
You are faced with the decision of where to live, where to begin your search for a job or even whether to continue your education.
There is going to be a hidden competition amongst you and your peers to succeed.
Recognition- you take the credit or blame for everything that you create, design or invent.
You can decide to be self-employed if your dream job is not forthcoming.
And finally, you can decide to tour the world, learn new cultures, music, dance, language
because these things improves your CV and enhances your chances of becoming employed.
Written by: Ijeomah Reagan
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