Knowledge Representation and Database Integration to facilitate Genetic Analysis and Development of Underutilised Crop Plants

Location Southern Cross University, Southern Cross Plant Science
  • Maths & Computing > Bioinformatics
  • Maths & Computing > Computer Science
  • Maths & Computing > Information Technology
App. deadline 15/04/2016
  • Scholarship available
Project ID Bioinf-2016-R1
Eligibility Open to international applicants

Southern Cross Plant Science is a Special Research Centre withinSouthern Cross University (SCU), and carries out research underpinning theselection, cultivation and utilization of plants. SCPS infrastructureincludes facilities for plant growth, analytical chemistry, high-throughputDNA sequencing, genotyping, proteomics and bioinformatics. The candidatewill also benefit from expertise and experimental resources availablewithin the wider SCU research environment. SCU has achieved the highestrating of exceptional performance, well above world standard in the pasttwo national assessments of research excellence (2012 and 2015) for cropand pasture production and agricultural science.

We are looking forhighly motivated PhD student to work in the project knowledgerepresentation and database integration to facilitate genetic analysis anddevelopment of underutilised crop plants. This project willrequire an initial critical evaluation of state of the art in theapproaches, advances and implementations of knowledge representationrelevant to the biological and agricultural sciences. Theoretical work willfocus on developing and implementing trait and related ontologies relatedto specific aspects of underutilised crops, using Bambara groundnut (Vignasubterranea) as an example. In particular, the project will includetheoretical and practical implementation of cross-species trait ontologies,and address the processes involved in development of formal genericnomenclature standards. There will be scope to explore methods to infer theinvolvement of key candidate genes that may be suitable for selection inunderutilised crops.

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The candidate must hold, a Master by ResearchDegree (or must be finishing a Master degree) or equivalent diploma, andmust have an exceptional academic record. Experience in research isessential.

The base stipend will be at the rate of AU$27,000per annum tax-free for three years.

Please contact Professor GrahamKing ( or Dr. Abdul Baten ( further details or informal enquiries.

Applications shouldinclude a full CV including contact details of two referees + a coveringletter. The covering letter should indicate under the following headings(max

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums Knowledge Representation and Database Integration to facilitate Genetic Analysis and Development of Underutilised Crop Plants

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    • #7387

      Southern Cross University, Southern Cross Plant Science

      Southern Cross Plant Science is a Special Research Centre within Southern Cross University (SCU), and carries out research underpinning the selection, cultivation and utilization of plants. SCPS infrastructure includes facilities for plant growth, analytical chemistry, high-throughput DNA sequencing, genotyping, proteomics and bioinformatics. The candidate will also benefit from expertise and experimental resources available within the wider SCU research environment. SCU has achieved the highest rating of exceptional performance, well above world standard in the past two national assessments of research excellence (2012 and 2015) for crop and pasture production and agricultural science.

      We are looking for highly motivated PhD student to work in the project knowledge representation and database integration to facilitate genetic analysis and development of underutilised crop plants. This project will require an initial critical evaluation of state of the art in the approaches, advances and implementations of knowledge representation relevant to the biological and agricultural sciences. Theoretical work will focus on developing and implementing trait and related ontologies related to specific aspects of underutilised crops, using Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea) as an example. In particular, the project will include theoretical and practical implementation of cross-species trait ontologies, and address the processes involved in development of formal generic nomenclature standards. There will be scope to explore methods to infer the involvement of key candidate genes that may be suitable for selection in underutilised crops.

      The candidate must hold, a Master by Research Degree (or must be finishing a Master degree) or equivalent diploma, and must have an exceptional academic record. Experience in research is essential. 

      The base stipend will be at the rate of AU$27,000 per annum tax-free for three years.

      Please contact Professor Graham King ( or Dr. Abdul Baten ( for further details or informal enquiries.

      Applications should include a full CV including contact details of two referees + a covering letter. The covering letter should indicate under the following headings (max 200 words each): A. Motivation for carrying out postgraduate study; B. Why you chose Southern Cross University and Plant Science; C. Why you are interested in the specific Project; D. the background academic and/or technical expertise you bring to the project.

      View this listing on the website at

      [See the full post at: Knowledge Representation and Database Integration to facilitate Genetic Analysis and Development of Underutilised Crop Plants]

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