Application Opens:2015-11-15
Deadline: 2016-02-14
Value of Scholarship: $50,000
Level Of Study: Masters/PhD

International Students: President’s Entrance Scholarships -$50,000

At the University of Western Ontario, the International President’s  Entrance Scholarships is one of the scholarships  under the national scholarship program. Qualified  students will automatically be considered when they apply for  the national scholarship.

The 2016 national scholarship opened in November 2015. This prestigious scholarship offers up to three scholarships  at $50,000 ($10,000 annually, plus $10,000 towards first year residence costs)


International Students can apply for the President Entrance Scholarships


  • This scholarship is for International Students only,
  • Students must have a minimum overall academic average of 90% on all Grade 12U/M courses (or equivalent).

Important information from University of Western Ontario:

The National Scholarship Application is an on-line application. In order to access the on-line National Scholarship application the OUAC reference number is required. The on-line National Scholarship application and all supporting documentation must be submitted by the February 14, 2016 deadline. If supporting documentation is mailed, it must be received, not postmarked, at Western by the February 14, 2016 deadline.

Method of Application for the national Scholarship


Go to the application for International Students (Visa students)

Contact Information for the National Scholarship at University of western Ontario:

Western University

National Scholarship Program

Room 1140, Western Student Services Building

London, ON N6A 3K7

Tel # 519 661-2111 ext 85958


Also Read  USA:Willis Winn Scholarship Fund

Scholarships expiring soon Forums International Students: President’s Entrance Scholarships -$50,000

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