Deadline: 2016-03-01
Value of Scholarship: $5,000
Level Of Study: bachelor

International Secondary School Student Merit Scholarships

The International Secondary School Student Merit Scholarships is tenable at the Ryerson university Canada. Parents can strategically target this Canadian university for the range of scholarship they offer to bright students.

If you are an international student with a valid study permit and you are at Ryerson University, consider applying for International Secondary School Student Merit Scholarship

The target of this scholarship is to award up to 7 International Secondary School Students a value of  $5,000 CDN each


Core Eligibility requirements include

• International students must be currently enrolled on a full-­time

  1.  International students who have attended a post-­secondary institution (university or college) are not eligible
    for International Student Merit Scholarship.
  2. International students must have a valid Canadian Study Permit by the time they register in courses at Ryerson
  3. The student must maintain their International Student (Study Permit) status for the entirety of their first year of studies

Method of application

Completed application can be sent through any of the following :

By Email: Please complete required sections and submit completed application.
By Mail: 350 Victoria Street, Toronto, ON Canada M5B 2K3
By Fax: +1 416-­979-­5221

Also Read  Canada-The Ethel Harris Entrance Scholarship at Glendon College

Scholarships expiring soon Forums International Secondary School Student Merit Scholarships

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