About 5,000 More Students Eligible for Support
Ontario is helping about 5,000 more students with the cost of postsecondary education by expanding eligibility for the 30% Off Ontario Tuition Grant.
Students in their final year of a five-year co-op program and students attending private career colleges and other private post-secondary institutions that are eligible for financial aid through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) will now be eligible for the 30% Off Ontario Tuition Grant. Students who apply for aid through OSAP will automatically be considered for the grant without a separate application, including those who have already applied this year.
Helping students with the costs of post-secondary education is part of the Ontario government’s economic plan to invest in people, build modern infrastructure and support a dynamic and innovative business climate.
- This year, the grant will help eligible students save $1,730 on tuition in degree programs and $790 for students in diploma or certificate programs. The deadline to apply for the winter semester is March 1, 2014.
- About 230,000 students received the 30% Off Ontario Tuition Grant last year.
- OSAP is available to eligible students at 169 private career college campuses.
- Investments in student assistance over the past 10 years have more than doubled the number of students qualifying for aid, while enrolment has increased by 40 per cent.
To Apply, follow the link to their website