Level Of Study: PhD

Biomedical Engineering Scholarship-John F. Davis Award

Biomedical Engineering Scholarship-John F. Davis Award

 This award was established in 2003/2004 by John F. Davis, B.Eng. 1942. The scholarship is tenable at McGill University in Canada. It will be awarded every two years to a graduate student enrolled in the Department of BioMedical Engineering, by the Chair of the Department of BioMedical Engineering.


The Biomedical engineering award rewards a high performing student in excellent academic standing who has also made significant contribution (Master’s or Doctoral thesis, major conference paper or journal paper) for a subject applicable to diagnostic or treatment procedures for neurological or psychiatric disorders.

Method of Application for the biomedical Engineering Scholarship.

Interested students should contact the University through the information below:

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Room 316, Duff Medical Building
3775, rue University
Montréal, QC H3A 2B4
Canada   Map

Tel: 514-398-6736
Fax: 514-398-7461
E-mail: info.bme@mcgill.ca

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums Biomedical Engineering Scholarship-John F. Davis Award

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