Value of Scholarship: $10000
Level Of Study: Masters or PhD

Alberta-Canadian Human Rights and Multiculturalism Scholarship

Canadian Human Rights and Multiculturalism Scholarship

The minister of Alberta community development is offering this scholarship to recognize multiculturalism in Alberta and to encourage the study and enhancement of Canadian Human rights.
According to them, the scholarship will support the pursuit of studies in Canadian human rights, cultural diversity, and multiculturalism and building capacity to undertake human rights or multicultural work in Canada

This scholarship is only available to mature students or students in the graduate level programs.
The scholarship offer is as follows:
Masters Level – $10,000
Doctoral Level – $15,000

Eligibility Criteria:

Applicant must be:

a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident or Protected Person (visa students are not eligible),
enrolled or plan to enroll as a full-time graduate student (Master’s or Doctoral level) at an Alberta public post-secondary institution,
enrolled or plan to enroll in a program of study that supports the purpose of the scholarship, and
planning to do research that is within a Canadian context and will ultimately benefit Albertans.

For more information, please visit their website

Submit application to:
Alberta Student Aid
Alberta Student Aid
PO Box 28000 Station Main
Edmonton AB T5J 4R4

Also Read  University Of New Brunswick Primrose Scholarship - Deadline: March 15

Scholarships expiring soon Forums Alberta-Canadian Human Rights and Multiculturalism Scholarship

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