A43476R – Research Assistant

You will develop and apply immunoassays for complement biomarkers and autoantibodies (multiplexed MSD/Luminex and ELISA) and apply them to biological samples to provide insight into inflammatory disease mechanisms. You will apply functional assays, including SPR (surface plasmon resonance) assays, to interrogate structure/function relationships in complement activators and regulators with a particular interest in the mechanisms underlying complement dysregulation in disease.

You will hold a good honours degree in life sciences. Hands-on experience with immunoassays, evidence of meticulous and reproducible assay execution, and a good level of analytical skills are essential.

You will possess good computing skills and the ability to graph and statistically analyse data. You will also have the ability to use personal initiative and creativity to solve research problems and the ability to communicate complex information clearly, both orally and through the written word.

You will be based in The Complement Therapeutics Group at Newcastle within the Inflammation, Immunology and Immunotherapy (III) Theme at the Institute of Cellular Medicine, and will work closely with scientists and clinicians within the III Theme, the Medical School and linked hospitals.

Tenable for three years.

Informal enquiries should be directed to Professor Claire Harris claire.harris@ncl.ac.uk

The Institute holds a silver Athena SWAN award in addition to the University’s silver Athena SWAN award in recognition of our good employment practices for the advancement of gender equality, and the University holds the HR Excellence in Research award for our work to support the career development of our researchers. We are also a member of the Euraxess network.

Faculty of Medical Sciences

Also Read  Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Please click here for further details

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Scholarships expiring soon Forums A43476R – Research Assistant

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