Deadline: 2018-11-30
Value of Scholarship: $4,000 per annum

2018 Australia:University of Wollongong Undergraduate Scholarship – Social Sciences

University of Wollongong Undergraduate Scholarship – Social Sciences

Faculty scholarships recognise high-achieving students at UOW. Scholarship recipients are expected to fulfill an ambassadorial role for the faculty by actively participating in Faculty-hosted events and become committee members of the Faculty’s Student and Staff Association.

$4,000 per annum
Minimum duration of the degree
Level of Enrolment
First Year
Graduate Type
Number Available
Four (4)
Year of Scholarship
Social Sciences (all undergraduate degrees)
Offer Type
Broad Study Area
Health & Medicine, Psychology, Science
Faculty of Social Sciences

Application Criteria
Applicants must enrol in a full-time degree (single or double) offered by the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2019;

Applicants must be commencing study in 2019 as a first year undergraduate student at UOW (no previous enrolment at UOW);

Students must have a minimum ATAR Selection Rank of 95*;

Applicants must be an Australian Citizen or Australian Permanent Resident.

Apply Now

Also Read  Outer Audio’s Love of Audio Scholarship

Scholarships expiring soon Forums 2018 Australia:University of Wollongong Undergraduate Scholarship – Social Sciences

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