Deadline: 2017-02-15
Value of Scholarship: $4,000
Level Of Study: Bachelor

2017 ACB SCHOLARSHIP for Blind Students

2017 ACB SCHOLARSHIP For The Blind Students

The American Council of the Blind (ACB) annually awards approximately 20 scholarships ranging in amounts from $1,000 to $4,000 to vocational, entering freshmen, undergraduate and graduate college students who are legally blind, maintain a 3.3 GPA and are involved in their school/local community. Applications may be submitted beginning November 1, 2016 and all materials must be received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern on February 15, 2017. To read the scholarship guidelines and complete an on-line application, please visit For more information, call 612-332-3242 or email Dee Theien at (link sends e-mail). We look forward to receiving your application materials!

Please note this scholarship  is for students who are legally blind

The applications must include the following documentation:
1.  Autobiographical sketch (details found in online application)

2.  Certification of legal blindness from an ophthalmologist, optometrist or physician.  (This hard copy letter may be mailed.)

3.  Certified transcripts from the school you are currently attending.  Entering freshmen, please include high school transcripts; graduate students, please include undergraduate transcripts. Unless extenuating circumstances exist, a 3.3 cumulative grade point average is required.  (This hard copy letter may be mailed.)

4.  Two letters of recommendation from a current or recent instructor, career counselor or employer.  (Only Microsoft Word or rich text formats will be accepted; they may be emailed separately to (link sends e-mail).)

5.  Proof of acceptance from a post-secondary school.  Entering and transferring students must submit a notice or letter from the admissions office certifying acceptance or consideration for admission. If not available at the time the application is submitted, it must be submitted as soon as it is available. Students continuing at the same school attended during 2016-17 do not need to submit this document.  (Microsoft Word or rich text formats are preferred, and can be emailed separately to (link sends e-mail).)

Scholarships expiring soon Forums 2017 ACB SCHOLARSHIP for Blind Students

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      2017 ACB SCHOLARSHIP For The Blind Students The American Council of the Blind (ACB) annually awards approximately 20 scholarships ranging in amounts f
      [See the full post at: 2017 ACB SCHOLARSHIP for Blind Students]

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